Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Blog 7: Independent Component 1 Approval

1. I plan on continuing to go with my mentor and put in more hours there. I was hoping to work on the field hands on with my mentor and interact more with the customers. I'm hoping to gain more experience in the field because that is very important in owning a business. I also hope to learn the finances of the business and how it runs financially.
2. I plan on showing photographic evidence as well as a documentation signed by both my mentor and I demonstrating the hours and days in which I completed hours.
3. Since there are a lot of moving pieces in a business I think experiencing as many aspects of it as possible and role playing will help me understand all the pieces of the puzzle and the different perspectives of it, since there are many positions in a business. 

1 comment:

  1. You are going to do an online business course now, right? I think that's a better idea. Please update ASAP. Also, take id verification off of your comments.
